Mangroves are important for local subsistence fisheries |
Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae) is the dominant mangrove tree on Ajuruteua Peninsula |
Flower of Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae) |
Inflorescence of Rhizophora racemosa (Rhizophoraceae) from Vigia, Marajó Bay |
Inflorescence of Rhizophora harrisonii (Rhizophoraceae) near Salvaterra, Marajó |
Pneumatophores of Avicennia maintain oxygen supply for the subterraneous root system |
Flowers of Avicennia germinans (Avicenniaceae) |
Flowers of Avicennia schaueriana (Avicenniaceae) |
Fruits of Avicennia schaueriana liberate the well-developed propagule soon after shedding |
Laguncularia racemosa (Combretaceae) flowers |
Conocarpus erectus (Combretaceae) is a shrub or small tree of the mangrove-saltmarsh ecotone |
Bare mudflats indicate high soil salinities; besides herbaceous halophytes, dwarf mangrove trees survive here |